هو مجموعة من 15 أداة من احدث طراز بواجهة برنامج واحد سهلة الاستعمال
netinfo يتيح للمنشآت التجارية لزيادة فعالية مكافحة توقف الشبكة عن طريق السماح لمدراء شبكة ، مشرفي المواقع ، ومقدمي خدمات الانترنت على نحو أدق عزل الشوائب ، وتبسيط تجهيز البيانات التشخيصيه وزيادة امن الشبكه الداخليةMain Featuresكود
* Agentless architecture - Allows you to monitor network devices or services without installing an agent on each machine.
* Comprehensive monitoring - Monitors up to 500 network resources simultaneously.
* Global settings - Allows quick network resource configuration.
* Independent parameters - Allows all parameters to be set independently for each network resource.
* Maintenance mode - Permits you to temporarily disable monitoring of certain resources.
* Robust alerting - Alerts you to failures using a variety of techniques ranging from audible alarms to third-party software.
* Alert schedule - Allows you "fine tune" the alerting functions to avoid unnecessary alerting during an extended failure.
* Failure and recovery alerts - Alerts can be enabled for any combination of failure and recovery notices.
* Custom alerts - Allows custom alerts to be created for each monitored resource.
* Test alert configuration - Each alert type can be tested in order to verify that the alert is configured correctly prior to going live.
* E-mail notification - Allows e-mail notification via SMTP with the server of your choise
* Custom messages - Supports keyword values and customized message information.
* Integrated reporting - Offers real-time and historical reporting capabilities to assist you in tracking network resources availability.
* HTML report output - Provides reports in HTML format to help keep track of network resources availability in an easy to view list.
* Remote access - Provides remote access to the monitoring results using a Web browser.
NetGong 6.3Netgong
هو حل متطور لمراقبة الشبكة ، يتيح لمدراء الشبكات ، مشرفي المواقع ، ومقدمي خدمات الانترنت رصد اي جهاز على شبكة الانترنت ، للشركات (الانترانت) ، أو لمشاريع التعاون التقني / الملكيه الفكريه للشبكة المحلية وتلقى التنبيهات على الفور عن طريق الانذار مسموعه ، الرسالة ، والبريد الالكتروني ، أو طرف ثالث البرمجيات عندما ينقطع ال ConnectionMain Features
* Connections - Displays all local TCP/IP connections and their foreign connection IP address.
* Ping - Allows you to quickly verify network connectivity to another IP address on the network.
* Trace - Displays a list of routers between your system and the destination system.
* Lookup - Allows you to perform DNS forward and reverse lookup queries.
* Finger - Displays information about users currently logged on to a specified server.
* Whois - Allows you to query contact information for domains registered with a Whois server.
* Daytime - Displays the local time of day for any remote host specified.
* Time - Allows you to query the time value from a remote time server and synchronize the time value with your local system clock.
* Quote - Allows you to view quotations from a remote Quote server.
* HTML - Displays the HTML header code and the page data for any Web page address specified.
* Scanner - Scans for host names for a particular range of IP addresses and displays the state of each IP address in the range.
* Services - Lists the available network services (HTTP, Telnet, DNS, SMTP, and so on) for a particular host.
* E-mail - Allows you to verify any e-mail address by simply entering a full user principal name (
* Web Center - Displays available online tools, how-tos, tipsبعض الجوائز التي حصل عليها كل من البرنامجين
System Requirements
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista.
Internet Explorer 5.5 or later.
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